Here you will find detailed information (only in German) of the updated management plan of the RBD Elbe according to Article 13 of the Water Framework Directive.
Here you will find detailed information (only in German) of the updated Programme of Measures of the RBD Elbe according to Article 11 of the Water Framework Directive.
According to Article 5(2) of the Water Framework Directive the analysis of the characteristics of the river basin has to be updated 13 and every 6 years after the date of entry into force. For the Elbe River Basin Community the 10 federal states have carried out this analysis. For this reason only digital data were provided to the European Commission. The results of this analysis will be considered in the updated management plan.
According to Art. 3 of the Directive 2013/39/EU and § 7 of the German Surface Waters Ordinance the member states and the federal states respectively have to establish a supplementary monitoring programme and a preliminary programme of measures for twelve newly identified priority substances by 22 December, 2018. These new substances are either substances listed in the POP regulation (persistent organic pollutants) or are active agents of pesticides/biocides. A German-wide report (report only in German) has been prepared.
Here you will find detailed information (only in German) of the updated management plan of the RBD Elbe according to Article 13 of the Water Framework Directive.
According to Article 5(2) of the Water Framework Directive the analysis of the characteristics of the river basin has to be updated 13 years after the date of entry into force. For the Elbe River Basin Community the 10 federal states have carried out this analysis. For this reason only digital data were provided to the European Commission. The results of this analysis will be considered in the updated management plan.
According to Article 15(3) of the Water Framework Directive an interim report which describes the progress in the implementation of the planned Programme of measures is to be provided within three years of the publication of the management plan. A brochure (only in German) has been drawn up to inform the public.